Electrical surges can cause significant damage to your home’s wiring, appliances, and electronic devices, often leading to expensive repairs or replacements. A power surge is a sudden increase in voltage that can be caused by various factors, including lightning strikes, utility company issues, and large appliances cycling on and off. These voltage spikes can instantly damage sensitive electronic devices or cause gradual degradation of components, reducing their lifespan. 

That’s why whole home surge protection is essential to prevent such issues, ensuring that your electrical system remains safe during an unexpected voltage spike. Read on as Armor Air discusses the importance of whole home surge protection, how it works, and how our professionals can help you safeguard your valuable electrical assets from potential damage.

Understanding Power Surges

Before diving into the specifics of whole home surge protection, it is crucial to understand what power surges are and how they can impact your electrical devices and appliances. Power surges are sudden increases in voltage that can originate from both external and internal sources. Some common causes of power surges include:

  1. Lightning Strikes: Though relatively rare, a direct lightning strike to your home or nearby power lines can cause an extreme voltage spike, often severely damaging your electrical system and devices.
  2. Utility Company Issues: Power grid fluctuations, transformer malfunctions, or power line failures can produce power surges that impact your home’s electrical system.
  3. Large Appliances Cycling On and Off: When high-power appliances like air conditioners or refrigerators switch on and off, they can create voltage fluctuations that, over time, may cause harm to other devices in your home.

Regardless of the cause, power surges can adversely affect your electronic devices, causing immediate damage or shortening their lifespan through gradual wear and tear.

The Functionality of Whole Home Surge Protection

Whole home surge protectors are installed at your main electrical panel, providing comprehensive protection against voltage spikes. These devices work by continuously monitoring the incoming electrical current and detecting any sudden increases in voltage. Once a power surge is detected, the surge protector diverts the excess voltage to the ground, away from your home’s electrical system.

It’s important to note that whole home surge protection is not a 100% guarantee against all forms of electrical damage. Still, it significantly reduces the risks associated with voltage spikes and offers a considerable degree of safeguarding for your devices and appliances.

Selecting the Right Surge Protector for Your Home

There are several factors to consider when selecting the right whole home surge protector for your specific needs:

  1. Voltage Protection Rating (VPR): This rating indicates how much voltage the surge protector will allow to pass through before diverting the excess to the ground. A lower VPR means better protection for your devices.
  2. Maximum Surge Current Capacity: This value measures the maximum amount of surge current that the device can handle. A higher capacity denotes greater protection against large voltage spikes.
  3. Response Time: The response time indicates how quickly the surge protector can react to a power surge. A faster response time is particularly crucial for protecting sensitive electronic devices.

It is essential to consult with experienced professionals like our technicians to determine the best surge protection solution for your home based on your unique electrical needs.

Supplementing with Point-of-Use Surge Protectors

While whole home surge protectors offer considerable protection, it’s often advisable to supplement them with point-of-use surge protectors for added security. These devices plug directly into wall outlets and provide an extra layer of protection for your most sensitive electronic devices, such as computers, televisions, and home theater systems.

Point-of-use surge protectors come in various styles, including power strips, wall-mount units, and in-line devices for hardwired appliances. By combining whole home and point-of-use surge protection, you can create a comprehensive and robust defense against electrical hazards in your home.

Regular Maintenance and Periodic Replacement

Like any other electrical device, whole home surge protectors require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. It is essential to periodically inspect your surge protector for signs of wear or damage and to test its functionality. Over time, surge protectors can degrade and lose their effectiveness, making regular inspection and timely replacement crucial for maintaining a high level of protection.

Our professionals are well-equipped to perform maintenance checks on your whole home surge protector and can assist you with the proper replacement when necessary, ensuring the continued safety of your electrical system.


Investing in whole home surge protection is a smart decision to safeguard your valuable electrical devices and appliances from unexpected voltage spikes. By understanding power surges, selecting the right surge protector, and employing a combination of whole home and point-of-use surge protection, you can create a comprehensive defense against damaging electrical hazards. Armor Air, the leading electrical and HVAC company in Avon, is committed to helping you protect your home and ensure the longevity of your electrical devices. Contact us today to learn more about whole home surge protection and to schedule a consultation with our skilled team.