
At Armor Air, we understand that a malfunctioning water heater can disrupt your daily routine. You might find yourself taking cold showers, washing dishes in lukewarm water, or waiting endlessly for hot water. These are common signs that your water heater needs attention. But fret not; we’ve got you covered. We offer professional water heater repair services in Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding areas. Don’t let a faulty water heater disrupt your life; contact Armor Air today for expert water heater services!

The Chilly Dilemma: Lack of Hot Water

Imagine stepping into the shower, eagerly anticipating a cascade of warmth, only to be met with an icy surprise. The absence of hot water is a classic water heater issue. Before panic sets in, consider these steps to troubleshoot the problem.


Check the Thermostat:

  • Locate the thermostat on your water heater.
  • Ensure it is set at an appropriate temperature (around 120°F or 49°C).
  • Adjust as needed and give it some time to take effect.


Heating Element Inspection:

  • Electric water heaters have heating elements that might fail over time.
  • Test these elements with a multimeter to ensure they are functioning.
  • If faulty, replacement is the key to restoring hot water flow.

Sediment Buildup:

  • Sediment can accumulate at the bottom of the tank, hindering heating efficiency.
  • Drain the tank to flush out sediment and enhance performance.

The Murmurs Of Discontent: Strange Noises

Your water heater might be trying to communicate through strange clanks and pops. These unusual sounds often hint at internal issues that require attention.


Flushing Out Sediment:

  • Sediment not only affects heating but can also create noise.
  • Regularly flush your water heater to prevent sediment buildup.

Expanding and Contracting:

  • The tank expands and contracts as water heats and cools, causing audible sounds.
  • Consider installing water hammer arrestors to mitigate this effect.

Inspect the Anode Rod:

  • The anode rod protects the tank from corrosion.
  • If it’s depleted, the tank might start making noises.
  • Check and replace the anode rod if necessary.

The Dripping Menace: Leaks

Discovering a puddle around your water heater is undoubtedly cause for concern. Ignoring leaks can lead to water damage and increased energy bills.


Identify the Source:

  • Pinpoint the location of the leak.
  • Common areas include the pressure relief valve, inlet and outlet connections, or the tank.

Tighten Connections:

  • Loose fittings and connections can lead to leaks.
  • Ensure all connections are securely tightened.

Pressure Relief Valve Inspection:

  • The pressure relief valve is designed to release excess pressure.
  • Test the valve by lifting and lowering it to check for proper functionality.
  • If it still leaks, consider replacing it.

Tank Replacement:

  • If the leak originates from the tank, it may indicate internal corrosion.
  • A professional evaluation is essential, and tank replacement may be necessary.

The Diminished Efficiency: Slow Recovery

If your water heater takes longer than usual to reheat water, it might be experiencing a decline in efficiency.


Thermostat Adjustment:

  • Check the thermostat settings and ensure they align with your household needs.
  • Adjustments might be necessary for optimal performance.

Insulation Inspection:

  • Inspect the insulation around the tank.
  • Adding an insulation blanket can help retain heat and improve efficiency.

Consider Upgrading:

  • If your water heater is aging and inefficient, upgrading to a newer model might be cost-effective.
  • Modern water heaters often boast improved energy efficiency and faster recovery times.

Maintaining a comfortable home environment involves being proactive regarding water heater troubleshooting. The key is to identify issues early and address them promptly. These steps ensure a cozy living space and extend your water heater’s lifespan.

Armor Air: Your Trusted Partner For Water Heater Solutions

Your water heater is an essential part of your household, playing a significant role in ensuring comfort. At Armor Air, we are committed to assisting you in resolving any water heater problems you may encounter. Please contact us if you need water heater repair services in Avon, IN, or any surrounding areas. Our professional and dedicated team is always ready to help troubleshoot and fix your water heater issues, ensuring a warm and comfortable home for you and your family. With Armor Air, you’re never alone against the cold.